Friday, July 22, 2011

Best Laid Plans

This was the end of my last year in the teaching profession. As June approached, I could feel my excitement building regarding the prospect of starting all over again. I have been looking forward to concentrating on doing my on-line collectibles business full time. Finally, I could spend the time I had, doing what I wanted to do, not what someone else wanted me to do.

Selling collectibles on-line requires a lot of time going to auctions and flea markets, something that I really enjoy. However it also requires a lot of walking, something else that I like to do. What better way to spend time than to put two things together that I enjoy doing? fate would have it...a few monkey wrenches have been thrown into my plans.

Two days before the end of work, I somehow got my foot caught up in a footstool (bit of irony there), and injured both my ankle and calf muscle. Not all that much pain involved, but it prevented me from being mobile for a while. After about 5 weeks of rehab, things were getting back to normal. This is about the time my stupidity kicked in.

I had to go down to the basement to do a load of wash. I always put my shoes on when I do this, but this particular time my foot was feeling really good, and I was in a hurry. Bad move. Walking across the basement floor, carrying a load of wash, I stepped on the only remaining clothespin within a hundred miles. Of course, it was with my previously injured ankle. Of course this caused me to lose my balance, my foot twisted, and viola...a severely sprained ankle!

So once again I'm in the rehab stage...Probably another 3 weeks or so before things get back to some semblance of normalcy so that I can walk. In the meantime, I'll just have to be patient about getting my "new life" going...again...and try not to do anything stupid. My wife has her doubts.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Defying the Laws of Physics

I've been a science teacher for the last 38 years. As of the end of June, I decided to retire and pursue other interests, such as my favorite hobby, on-line selling. I've been looking forward to this for quite a while, as the on-line selling part always had to take a back seat to teaching...and rightly so. Now however, that's all changed.

My plan was to reorganize my home office to reflect the fact that I would now be spending all of my free time building my business. Of course, the first thing I had to do was clean out the office before I started reorganizing, and I figured I could accomplish this in just a few short days. Boy was I wrong! I didn't realize a room that small could hold that much! In fact, it appears that the room is actually defying the laws of physics in that the more I throw out, the more I seem to find! I don't know where all of this stuff is coming from, but it appears to me that "stuff" is being created faster than I can clean it out.

So much for being done and ready to go in three days. As I start my second week of clean up, I have hopes that I might be able to finish by the end of the weekend. I'm probably safer not making any predictions, but I can guarantee the trash and recycle guys aren't going to be too happy with me this week! Back to work!